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A selected set of links to sites related to bushwalking and ski-touring in Australia. Some of these sites contain extensive link lists to even more sites.

Personal Bushwalking Pages

Some of these personal sites have extensive sets of links to other personal sites.

Aushiker A personal blog site by Andrew Priest which concentrates on outdoor activities in Western Australia. Includes bushwalking and has some detailed notes about the the major walking trails in WA

David Noble The one that writes for WILD magazine has about the same amount of walking in Tasmania as I have done. (There are two Dave Nobles, the other one is a park ranger and discovered the Wollemi Pine.) This site contains lots of information about the canyons behind Sydney and has an excellent photo gallery – well worth looking at.

Danny Yee As far as I know, this was the first significant web page focused on bushwalking and has always been an interesting source of information.

Geoff Murray A small site containing photographs of some of Tasmania's walking areas. There are some nice photos here that will give you another view of what these places look like.

Keith Lancaster The diaries of this walking legend from Tasmania are being placed on the web. They provide an interesting read of what it was like many years ago. There are very few detailed records left from the exploration period of the mid-twentieth century.

Ken Beath A photographic gallery site highlighting a number of bushwalking destinations in Australia.

Wise's Wilderness Has some good trip reports, a selection of photographs and a set of links to other sites. The Links page is extensive and a great site to browse for other bushwalking related sites. This site is also regularly growing and is worth revisiting.

Photography Self-publishers (Australia)

Grant Dixon Widely published and has produced some excellent photographs covering a wide range os styles and subjects.

Rodney Hyett Produces a beautiful yearly calender in black and white and has also self-published books of his photography based on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.

Richard Bennett Best known for his images of yacht races around Tasmania, Richard has also photographed the south-west of Tasmania in a different style when compared to others. Has published 11 books ranging from landscapes to yacht racing.

Robert Rankin. Based in Brisbane, Robert has self published 3 books, dvds and calendars for several decades of wild places all around Australia.

Dennis Harding Less known to many but has some excellent work. Has published a range of photographic publications to Tasmania primarily for the tourist market for many years.

Bushwalking Federations and Clubs

Bushwalking Australia This is the national body that represents the state federations with links to each state body. For those states without federations this site links the major clubs and sites of interest for each state.

Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs This is the site for the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs in New South Wales. This represents about 67 clubs with around 10,000 members. The site contains a lot of information that is well worth reading if walking in New South Wales.

Bushwalking Victoria The Federation of Walking Clubs of Victoria is also fairly large representing about 70 clubs with 12,000 members. The web site is still growing and contains useful links to local clubs.

Kosciusko Huts Association While the association concentrates on huts in the Kosciuszko National Park, they also include information on huts in other areas as well.

Bushwalking Queensland Another large site operated by the confederation of clubs for Queensland with very good general advice and a useful set of brief notes to many walks in southern Queensland. While detailed track notes are not usually provided, the information given will assist any walker planning a trip to southern Queensland. There are 2 guide books to the area - see my Bushwalking Guide Book list page.

Selected Clubs in Victoria (ones I have personal links with)

Maroondah Bushwalking Club. One of Melbourne's largest clubs with a wide variety of trips running every weekend and also some during the week. Most members mainly do day walks and there is also a smaller (but keen) core group of overnight walkers and ski-tourers. Monica (my wife) is a life member of the club.

Bushwalking Trip Planning

Bureau of Meteorology. An Australian Government organization that collates and keeps weather records and produces climate information to Australia. A very useful site to consult before visiting a new region - the only difficulty for visiting a new region is knowing which weather stations are relevant - consult an atlas for the closest towns.

Bibbulmun Track Foundation. This is the friends group is responsible for much of the track's maintenance and they also publish a lot of useful information about current track conditions. The web site has general information, membership details and sales lists. Most of the useful information is sold for a low price and the profits are used for the track.

Cape To Cape Publishing. The web site of the authors of the 'Cape To Cape Track Guidebook' and 'Cape to Cape Daywalks'. This is a walk from Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leewin in Western Australia.

Cape to Cape Friends Group. The web site for the friends group who maintain the track. The authors of the above guide are also active members of this group.

Queensland Government camping bookings for Queensland National Parks. Essential for bookings for Thorsborne Trail

Department of Lands NSW. Latest information on the Great North Walk, the Hume and Hovell Track and the Six Foot Track.

Friends of the Heysen Trail. They are responsible for much of this track's maintenance and should be contacted if you are contemplating this trail. The web site does not contain a lot of information to download but they do produce good printed information for walkers to purchase.

Great Dividing Trail. The Great Dividing Trail Association has constructed a walking track from Castlemaine to Ballarat. This active group is currently working on extensions to Bendigo and the side track through Lerderderg Gorge to Bacchus Marsh.

Fraser Island Taxi Service. Provides transport and food re-supply delivery on Fraser Island.

Great South West Walk the 'Friends of the Great South West Walk' have constructed the track and maintain it. Their website includes accomodation, access and current conditions.

Larapinta Trail A good site run by the Northern Territory Park & Wildlife Service. Has information about the trail and current conditions particularly for which sections have been recently burnt and any known water problems.

Meridian Maps (need to find current site) A small publishing company who are creating some very high quality maps. Most of the maps are designed for touring and driving and are excellent for planning trips into the bush showing all tracks. Some of these maps are at a higher scale and useful for bushwalking showing all major tracks and roads.

Strive Foods A small Tasmanian company that makes a broad range of dried meals. Their meals also has a number of vegetarian meals plus a couple of gluten free basic ingredients.

Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service Has good general information about National Parks and includes information on current entrance fees. All of the information in the 'Welcome to the Wilderness' free booklet is available on-line - this contains some good advice. The site is worth a visit if you intend to walk in Tasmania. Just be aware there are no track notes here - the search engines incorrectly tell walkers to visit this site to get track notes. The notes they provide are general advice - not detailed route descriptions. You need to buy maps and/or one of the guide books - see my Bushwalking Guide Book page.

Commercial Tours and Transport Charters

ParAvion Provide flights into Melaleuca in South-West Tasmania and can also place food dumps at the airstrip. From experience, I would suggest flying in with your food and carrying or hiding it as sometimes others steal just the goodies like chocolate and at other times take the lot (a disaster for your trip). Flights are subject to weather conditions and delays must be expected.

Tasmanian Expeditions A tasmanian tour operator specialising in cabin based walks, bushwalking expeditions, cycling, rafting, kayaking and climbing.

Willis's Walkabouts Provides commercial bushwalking trips in the north of Australia particularly Kakadu and the Kimberley. As transport and permits for these places are difficult to arrange, many clubs and private use Wills to organise bushwalks in the north.

Ski Touring Planning

There are several overseas sites that have asked to be linked here but as these sites contain minimal or incorrect Australian cross country ski content I have left them out. Some of the content to skiing in Australia that I have seen is wrong and obviously the author/publishers have never been here. The web is not moderated and no checking is done to see if information is accurate. If nobody else publishes a good guide then I will eventually expand this site to cover that too. At present I am concentrating on completing the bushwalking areas.

A large number of ski-tourers are also bushwalkers and the bushwalking club web sites near the top of this page run ski-touring trips and have some useful ski information.

Book Sellers and Magazines

All of these businesses sell books and/or magazines on bushwalking and climbing to Australia over the web.

Open Spaces Publishing An outdoor publisher who is also a distributor of our books. I recommend them as the best source for credit card sales as we supply them direct with books and they always have stock of all our titles - no waiting while they order a book from a distributor which is what some on-line bookstores do.

Take A Walk Publications A self published set of books by John & Lyn Daly from Queensland. The books attempt to describe every track and walk in each area and they do that fairly well. Route descriptions are sometimes brief and only simple sketch maps are provided. All the books include numerous pages of advertizing.

WILD. The main magazine in Australia for Bushwalking, Ski-touring, Canoeing and Caving. It started in 1981 and appears once every three months. They also publish 'Rock', which is a quarterly Rockclimbing and Mountaineering magazine. The invaluable 'Supplier Directory' which appears in each issue is now on the web - this is a list to most of the bushwalking shops in Australia.

Overseas Links

Hiking & Walking Home Page While primarily aimed at America, this has a huge set of links to other sites around the world. It dos not contain any data itself but is a useful starting point for searches. A useful source if thinking of visiting another country.

Walking Britain A fairly comprehensive site like mine to Australia describing many of the major walking areas in Britain. Also contains an extensive set of links for Britain and links to some overseas walking areas.

The Outdoor Directory Another site for Britain about many of their fine walking areas. Contains an extensive set of links to many walking sites in Great Britain plus some overseas sites.

Traildino An Amsterdam based source of a fairly large set of links to walking pages in many countries. Great if you intend to visit some of those more unusual overseas walking areas.

Notes for External Links from Other Sites

If you decide to link to any pages within this site, that's fine. All html pages will retain their names and addresses except the galleries. Due to limited web space, the galleries have been retired. I made it clear from the start that the galleries are not permanent and could be hosted anywhere.

If you wish to be linked on this page send me an email. I will visit your site to gauge its accuracy and value to bushwalkers before linking it in here. Only sites of direct relevance to photography or overnight bushwalking will be linked. To hotels, tour guides, airlines, travel agents and other types of sites, dont bother asking as the answer is no.

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Last updated : January 12th 2017